commission and inquieries :

Contact me to

Commission status:

Full illustration


Reference sheet

Portrait from photos

Prices list

PortraitChibiHalfbodyFullbodyFull Illustration
Sketch |95€95€110€130€160€
Lineart |110€110€130€160€200€
Color |130€130€160€200€300€


for Commissions and Inquieries contact me to :

Terms of service

Please read carefullyAll I need to know about your illustration/project :
● This is for personnal or commercial use ?
● What is your budjet ? (If you have, we can discuss what to do)
● What is your deadline ?
● Do your file have a specific dimention ? (I work on A3 - 2480x3508px, 300ppp - for High Quality)
● Do you want sketch, line, color, other?
● Tell me all I need to know about your illustration (facial expression, pose, clothes, how many characters, etc.) Reference pictures are a plus if you have (if not, I could work on description).
Working method and rules :
● Always credit me as the artist.
● I work after full payment.
● Payment via Paypal in Euro (send it to « Friend and familly » to avoid Paypal fees).
● I send you each step of your illustration (sketch, line, color) for have your validation.
● Illustration takes me two to six weeks to do according to my disponibility.
● I accept modification only during the sketch step. Any excessive modifications will result in additional charges.
● I only send digital file (jpg, png, gif, etc.)
● Private work implies you agree I submit your illustration in my portfolio. For commercial work or if you don't want I published your illustration in my galeries, tell me about it before payment.
● If you don't want your name/username appears on my copyright, tell me.
● Private work implied you agree to not commercialise, diffuse or reproduce your illustration in anyway without my strict written permission. If you need a commercial work, tell me exactly what support (web, book, textile print, etc.), how many exemplars, for which territory (national, international - your audience for web) and for how many time (an event? 1 year? More?) you need the right of utilisation.
● The deadline for producing an illustration begins from the payment and depends on whether I am in possession of the information and elements necessary for its production within a reasonable time. In the event of absence or delay in response, validation, or sending of the elements necessary for the production of the illustration by the client, I cannot be held responsible for a delay in rendering within the agreed deadlines.
Why commissions are not less expensive?
● Art style and amount of work can be negociate according to a reasonable budjet, but do not haggle or ask for discount :
- I work as a professional artist. It mean I have to pay charges as a freelancer (23%).
- Plus any payment platforms as Paypal or Ko-fi takes fees (a lost between 0,5% to +15%).
- Plus currency convertion (X to euro) takes fees.
When a client paid 100€ a commission, as an artist I am never paid the 100€. Please, remember and respect this when asking for a commission.